" This is El Salvador.!"
One of the most beautiful countries in Latin America, El Salvador is better known for exposure to war, violence and immigration, but even with all the sad aspects of its history, El Salvador is a friendly warm country, full of color, smiles and exotic places, I want in this short trip of photographs to show the good aspect of this little country, where people with good loving hearts open their arms to the tourist every day.
This Is El Salvador :
Restaurant " Los Patios " in Salcotitan, Sonsonate. hotels and colorful restaurants attract tourist to the interior of the Salvadorian Republic. |
Girl in her Sunday Dress. children wear uniform to school, but on Sunday they dressed up, either for church or just to play in the outdoors. |
Stadium "Magico Gonzalez" named after one of the legendary soccer players of El Salvador, Jorge Gonzales. In San Salvador City. |
Pinata store in San Salvador, the pinata making is one great source of work for sellers and makers for many decades. |
The New purchase, A man brings home his two new pigs, is source of income and food to raise farm animals in most small towns in the country side. |
Holy Week in El Salvador is all about the faith and devotion for a God that keeps the people of the country strong and optimistic for a better future, the participants of the parade, prepare themselves all year long for the Holy Week. |
Delicate crafts all hand made by the gifted artisans are a complete display of talent and love for the traditions of the history of El Salvador, as their creations reflect the National dress and way of life in the country. |
"La Castellana" a Condo complex in San Salvador is testimony of the modern aspect of life of the people of El Salvador, with luxurious units and pool. |
Church of Nueva Concepcion in Chalatenango, the Catholic christian faith of the people in El Salvador is shown in the magnificence of their churches all over the country, at left is a man pushing a popsicle cart known as "Paleteros", many make a livig selling ice cream, walking around town all day long. |
El Rosario Church in Zacatecoluca, another of the oldest churches in the rural side of El Salvador. |
Monument to the Sea on Gustavo Guerrero Ave. in San Salvador. |
The Palace Of Sports, where all sports are practiced by youth, located in the Government Center of San Salvador, on the background is erected the Don Rua Cathedral. |
A young man walks on his way to sell the pinatas he has made in the local market of Barrio San Miguelito. |
"Elotes Locos" a resident enjoys a local favorite dish, a corn in the cob covered with butter, ketchup, cheese and much more, the very tasty Elote Loco is a hit at any park or outdoors event. |
A woman walks in the Mercado Central of San Salvador, on her head a basket carrying one of the most distinctive delicacies of El Salvador, the Flor De Izote, a very treasured flower that is cooked and consumed as a delicacy by Salvadorians. |
Lorocos. one treasured plant in El Salvador, the very aromatic plant is used to enhance the flavor of Pupusas and several other dishes in El Salvador. |
Students of Instituto Santa Maria in Usulutan show their pride wearing the folkloric outfit during the week of celebration of National Independence in September 15th, occasion when the queen is also elected. |
"Dulce De Atado" one of the most used in traditional Salvadorian dishes, the rock of molasses is melted and on it exotic fruits are poured such as Jocotes, Mangos and Nances and cooked, making the most delicious and sweet desserts ever imagined. |
Granja San Bernardo in Cerro El Pital. one of the newest edifications in El Salvador. |
Interior of the Theater of Santa Ana, one of the oldest and most historic sites in El Salvador. |
"Zompopos De Mayo" they show up by thousands every winter in the month of May and are awaited by children who loved to capture them in bottles and keep them at home. |
Revolution Museum. in the town of Perkin in Morazan, displays items used during the 12 year civil war in El Salvador. |
Chalchuapa, in Ahuachapan, one of the most colorful towns in the coutry side of El Salvador. |
Local House of Government in Atiquizaya, Ahuachapan. |
"Cristo De La Paz" Christ Of Peace Monument in San Salvador City. |
"Melcochas" tasty, hard and sticky candy delicacy, made of sugar, molasses and spices, one of the favorite treats of children and adults. |
Nances, a delicious and aromatic fruit, enjoyed fresh or preserved on 'Miel de Panela' |
" Dulcesde Feria." a stand in a local festival, many towns celebrate their anniversaries tied to the religious saint the town gets the name from, such as San Miguel Arcangel. the candy stands are a tradition, featuring an extent variety of home-made candy such as coconut, tamarindo, higos, Etc.. |
Fruits at the local markets, baskets of several types of local fruits is display outside de 'Central Market' in San Salvador. Sandias, Jocotes, Mango tierno, mango maduro and mango de manila. |
"Cinco manos de Jicama." meaning '5 hands of jicama (25 ea.) is the common way people bargain the price for fruits and vegetables, here a woman sales Jicamas at the 'Mercado Central' in San Salvador. |
PUPUSAS. a unique characteristic of the culinary art El Salvador has to offer, the Pupusas are known all over the world for being one of the most delicious dishes in this country. |
'Cachiporristas' students practice all year long for the celebration of the day of Independence on September 15th, one of the most anticipated attractions are The Cachiporras, a group of dedicated girls who are selected among the many student applicants, in this picture the Cachiporristas of Inframen march along downtown San Salvador. |
'Panadera' every afternoon the Panaderas or bread sellers take the streets of residential areas as well as populated sectors offering fresh out of the oven bred, just on time for dinner.! |
"Morteros" are giant fireworks even bigger that the ones pictured, used on local celebrations, but mainly during Christmas eve night and most important on New Year's eve, hundreds of thousands of them are lit off causing roars and smoke that adds to the festive frenzy. |
"Cocos" a man extracts the pulp of the coconut to be served to a customer, one source of work in the coast is the selling of coconut to beach goers. |
This has been a quick trip to the wanders El Salvador has to offer and the hard working people who always have a nice smile to offer to visitors, For Your Eyes Only.
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